Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Animal Day 2010

Join undergraduates from the Singapore Management University (SMU) as they embark on an ambitious yet inspiring project to celebrate animals and acknowledge how animals enrich our lives through being lovable, loyal and supportive companions and bringing us much happiness and joy. Organized by the People for Animal Welfare (PAW), the students aim to bring together SMU students and staff as well as all members of the public, anyone and everyone who cares about animals and celebrate their joint love for animals.

The general public is also invited to participate, preferably with their pets to

have a fun-filled day, and interact with their pets. Interested participants may contact Diwanand Davar at 9119-1051 or email paw@sa.smu.edu.sg.

About Animal Day

World Animal Day was started in Florence in 1931 by a group of ecologists to promote the awareness of the plight of endangered species. It has since grown to include all types of animals and is widely celebrated throughout the world. Its intention is for anyone and everyone who cares about animals, to come together and celebrate their joint love for animals.

We would like to encourage SMU students and staff as well as all members of the public to celebrate animals, and to acknowledge how animals enrich our lives through being lovable, loyal and supportive companions and bringing us much happiness and joy.

About the SMU People for Animal Welfare

People for Animal Welfare (PAW) was founded in 2005 by a group of passionate Singapore Management University students who want to bring across a simple message – treat animals humanely. We are dedicated to broadcasting responsible pet ownership and prevention of animal suffering. We do this through education by running events, volunteering and collaborations with other animal welfare groups. For more information, visit http://www.smupaw.org/

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